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A mixed-use development with a beautiful period façade

ロンドン, イギリス
36,000 sq ft / 3,300 sq m
One Grafton Street overview

Inspired by heritage

Located in the heart of London’s affluent Mayfair, between the prime business district of Berkeley Square and the luxury retail area of Bond Street, this historic Victorian building is home to modern offices, four ground-floor luxury retail units and a three-bed apartment.

Standing in the location of the former gardens of Devonshire House, One Grafton has been modernised to fit the future with its green roof, solar panels and ‘Very Good’ BREEAM rating.





Levels of office space


Improved entrance experience & end-of-trip facilities
A unique development

Modern heritage

Its sensitive refurbishment in 2021 focused on creating an elegant and prominent street presence.

Through the sympathetic renovation of the ground level shopfronts, rationalization of the building curtilage and a reorganized entrance sequence, this beautiful and historic asset received increased legibility and grounding into its surroundings with stately elegance.

Quintessential London charm

A Quiet confidence

One Grafton Street has transformed into a boutique business address.

Six flexible floors are set above an elegantly designed lobby and four retail units.

Occupying the corner of Grafton Street and Hay Hill, this handsome building joined a street of high-end brands.

The modern interior and heritage exterior create a unique balance, making this a rare property within central Mayfair.

Key contacts

Asset manager